About us


Under the name lingua.digital we offer modern digital language learning products, skills training, intercultural training of the highest quality in Germany and Austria.

  • Self-learning programs
  • Online language level analysis
  • Virtual group training
  • Virtual individual training

Virtual or remote training is still new territory for many companies and their employees as well as individuals.
We do not leave you alone when switching to or incorporating digital learning. We accompany you also in the preparation, we train your participants also in the handling of digital training and working.
We work out the entire transformation procedure together with you, if desired.

Real meetings differ from virtual meetings in many ways.
One example: In communication, we react unconsciously to many small signals, such as facial expressions, gestures or changes in body posture. These can hardly be detected in a "virtual" meeting. This means, for example, that we have to ask for views, opinions, agreement or disagreement much more frequently. This requires experience and practice, so that this does not degenerate into a mechanistically applied method, but is experienced by all participants as authentic and purposeful. - we read on the website of the hbw ConferenceCenter Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft.

The lack of face-to-face support is a frequently cited problem related to remote working in general, but it can be a pain point for online training.

What needs to be addressed?

  • Supervision by trainers
  • Access to information
  • Preparation for virtual training
  • Social isolation
  • Distraction
  • Technical challenges

In us, you have found a provider that takes all of this into account and has been successfully offering it for years, not just since it became Corona-en-vogue.
We, that is the digital taskforce of the German language provider Eifert. Languages. Seminars. Coaching. and the Austrian Admin & Event Management GmbH - with over 40 years of pedagogical expertise and experience in training organization.