Authentic Content

What is authentic content?

Authentic content includes media produced by native English speakers, from actual news articles to videos of real people ordering food at a restaurant, so learners have the tools to accomplish real-world tasks. Research proves that using authentic content is more effective, which is why Voxy uses 100% authentic content to teach your learners the English that’s relevant to their goals. Voxy has over 55,000 hours of authentic content on the Voxy platform, with hundreds of hours of new content published every week.

Discover better English content


We add new multimedia content to the Voxy platform every day so lessons are always engaging and up-to-date.


When learners practice with authentic content, they learn English that they can actually use in the real world.


Voxy’s content selections are as diverse as your learners—we provide lessons covering a wide range of interests and career goals.

English your learners can use

The Voxy curriculum is based entirely on authentic media from our content partners, which include premier publishers such as the Financial Times, Associated Press and Bloomberg. No more scripted conversations: You will interact with multimedia lessons—including videos, images, articles and audio recordings—that feature English being used in the real world.